Tuesday, February 5, 2008

(I was tagged by Kim Peterson.)

1. What are your names? Eric & Dawn

2. How long have you been married? Almost 5 Years April

3. How long did you date? We dated for a yr and were engaged for 3 mths

4. How old are you? I just turned 25 Eric is turning 28 on the 19th

5. Who eats more? Me I am a nursing mom! HA HA

6. Who said I love you first? He did, we were on his parents couch watching his favorite Disney movie Mulan.

7. Who is smarter? Book-smart: Eric; Street-smart: Eric

8. Whose temper is worse? Me I am a read head. I don't get mad very often though.

9. Who does the laundry? This is a bad question for me to answer. It should be me but it is some times Eric. I HATE laundry!

10. Who does the dishes? Both but Eric is better than I am. He is amazing.

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Standing at the foot of the bed, Eric

12. Who pays the bills? Me.

13. Who cooks dinner? Me, but Eric like to cook and he is good at it.

14. Who drives when you are together? Eric

15. Who is more stubborn? We are both stubborn in our own ways.

16. Whose parents do you see the most? Eric's they live in West Jordan and mine live in Idaho.

17. Who proposed? Eric, My parents were in town so we decided to go to the Timp temple. We were walking around talking and all of a sudden Eric reach in to his pocket and got out a fortune cookie we ate at Chinese restaurant a lot so I did not think much about why he had a cookie in his coat pocket. I like to open them and read what they said and Eric likes to eat them. So as I was opening it and reading it it said there is excitement in you’re near future. As I read it Eric was down on one knee and had the ring box open. He then asked me to marry him I was so excited. How sweet. I love him so much.

18. Who has more friends? Me. Girls always seem to have more. He has a lot of good friend too.

19. Who has more siblings? Eric there is 4 in his family and 3 in mine.

20. Who wears the pants in the family? Eric

Now, I am going to tag Katie Clayton and Michelle Brown

HAVE FUN!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

How fun to read that. Our engagement stories are similar in that they both involve a fortune cookie!

miller family said...

it's so fun to read about you and get to know you better:)

Lynette Callister said...

Hey Dawn,
I was spying on you through your blog, sorry, it's an addiction I have lately. Your kids are gorgeous!! Your daughters eyes are so pretty. I'm gonna have to add you to my blog, if that's ok.
Good to get to know you better.

Amy said...

When are you going to add us as a link on your blog or have you totally forgotten us??? Hope all is well! Your kids are getting so big - where does the time go!? www.ourthomasonfamily.blogspot.com

Moreau's said...

Fun to read about you and your honey!