Monday, February 4, 2008

Books !!

Last week I took the kids to the libary. We needed to get out and we had some books to return. Karley loves books and loves to read to Tyson. I decided it would be fun to go and do something out side of the house. New books to read was going to be the plan. As we got ther Karley said she needed to go to the bathroom so we went. Lets just say thank goodness for strolers. Going to the bathroom with two kids can be hard. Then we were done off to look at the books. Karley picked out a book and went to sit on the little couch to look at the book. The next thing I herd was " I NEED TO GO POOP!" It was loud and her came my little girl running saying "MOM MOM I NEED TO GO POOP!" I could not believe it. I did laugh inside. A quite place and my 2 yr old was letting everyone know what was up. I do have to say i was proud of her for telling me because we have been working on the potty training thing.(it was harder then i thought it would be) She was so proud of her self for telling me and going. I was too but kids say the funnest things. I love her to death. We countinued to have a great night at the libray. The picture are at home i could not help to blog this funny day.


Moreau's said...

So cute! I love those moments of panic, when your in public, and the innocent little toddler screams out for all to hear, her impending need to poo! So funny!
p.s. I love that green wall! so fun!

7 Baldwin's said...

Awww- That's hilarious! We've had plenty of those moments as well! Good times! Good luck with the potty training!